School for street children School for street children School for street children

Who we are, what we stand for

About Us

We are a SEC-registered Non-government organization composed of former Liguorians and our network of friends who believe in the ideals of St. Alphonsus, along with the vision and mission of the organization.


Poverty is still being experienced by individuals, families, and communities especially in urban and rural communities in the Philippines. Poor people are being left behind in development opportunities resulting in low education, poor health, and lack of employment and livelihood opportunities. This is not the kind of situation that Jesus Christ planned for his people. There is a need for Liguorians to do something, take part in reversing the situation, and contribute to the mission of freeing people and communities out of poverty.

The Association of St. Alphonsus former Formands Incorporated (ASAFFI) was established by former St. Alphonsus Seminarians or named as Liguorians after the Redemptorist founder St. Alphonsus Maria de Liguori. ASAFFI felt the need of giving back to the community and our continued response to the calling of St. Alphonsus de Liguori in seeking out the poor and disadvantaged of society and working for their total human development.

ASAFFI believes that by pooling our resources together, both financial and technical/legal/developmental expertise, and helping the poor communities in their development aspirations and liberation from poverty, we become instruments of hope, love, and empowerment.

ASAFFI believes that using our resources and tapping people and communities to improve the quality of their lives is our tangible way of giving substance to the Church’s “preferential option for the poor.”